Thursday, December 4, 2008


I actually like doing these kind of things and seeing what others put down. If you see this and want to do it, then consider yourself tagged!

Where is your mobile phone? my bag
Where is your significant other? he must have met an early demise...
Your hair color? auburn
Your mother? a little closer than what she used to be
Your father? moody
Your favorite thing? learning
Your dream last night? If i had one, i don't remember
Your dream goal? to be fluent in several languages
The room you're in? does a cubicle count?
Your hobby? music
Your fear? spiders, heart attack, aneurysm
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Library of Congress
Where were you last night? mostly in my bed...had a headache
What you're not? confident
One of your wish list items? a cello
Where you grew up? east
The last thing you did? checked out an acquaintance's blog
What are you wearing? black and grey sweater with grey mock neck
Your tv? nonexistent
Your computer? laptop that has Civ IV on it :-)
Your mood? discouraged in myself
Missing someone? I wish
Your car? German
Something you're not wearing? makeup....blech!
Favorite shop? Wegmans or a bookstore
Your summer? lazy
Love someone? do animals count?
Favorite color? grey blue
When is the last time you laughed? today
When is the last time you cried? sniffles and teary-eyed-yesterday; all out bawl? can't remember

1 comment:

--V said...

Tag! You're it! I've given you the "this blog measures up" award, and tagged you with the meme that accompanies it. Details & badge are on my blog, if you wanna play.